1 Workday Left!!

What do you think this dilemma is caused by?

Friday, March 26, 2010


1. Theory of Change (as of now): To raise awareness and reveal the true causes and contributors to this dilemma through a documentary.

2. As far as the money goes, we plan to use a small portion of it towards the production of our documentary. As of now, our thought about what to do with the rest of the money is to give the money to the organization: H.O.M.E.Y. which directly parallels our dilemma. This organization has a program where they make and sell T-Shirts, so one idea we have is to buy a bunch of T-Shirts and sell them at Lick, or at other schools in San Francisco. The money we make from selling the shirts will go to HOMEY. This way we would not only give money to this organization but we would also be advertising for them.

3. We plan to use almost all of our project time on our documentary. We intend to meet with various people (Michael Harris, William Thomason, Diane Desmond-Psychologist at San Quinten) and film interviews with them to add to our documentary. We also plan to go to H.O.M.E.Y. at some point and get some footage over there. We aim to promote this organization in our film. We also intend to use our time to edit and work on the technical aspect of the film. In the end, we want to give this film to public middle and high schools in the bay area to show to their students. We also hope to give this film to HOMEY so that they can show it there, and at the schools they work with (i.e. Mission High School).
The purpose of this documentary is to inform those who are at risk of becoming part of this dilemma about the racism and corruption of the police system, thus warning them that they have a higher chance of being incarcerated. Hopefully this will help them make better decisions and completely stay away from illegal activities. The purpose is also to make people want to help this dilemma.